Underpinning is a structural repair technique used to strengthen the foundation of a home or other building. It usually involves extending the foundation depth and distributing the weight over a wider area. This is typically a major repair project, so determining which type of underpinning method will work best for your home is crucial. Check out the best underpinning info here.
The first step of underpinning is to make a footing strip at the base of the foundation. This strip should be about three feet long and two feet wide. Once the strip is in place, mix a concrete mix with one part cement, three parts sand, and six parts aggregate. Then, use a rod bar to fill in the hole. The concrete must then be allowed to cure before the building is loaded.

To determine which type of underpinning method is best for your property, consult with a foundation specialist. There are several different reasons why your home may need to be underpinned, and the right solution will depend on these factors. Ultimately, you will want a foundation solution that works well for your home and minimizes the possibility of damage to your home’s interior.
Another option is to install steel piers or concrete footings beneath your foundation. These piers can help lift your building back into place and close cracks and gaps. Since this method uses piers, it’s considered a permanent solution. Additionally, the piers will be in place for a long time, so you won’t need to worry about them changing or shifting.
Another factor that affects foundation stability is the type of soil. Some are more reactive than others, and this can affect the level of damage your home sustains. Knowing what type of soil you have will help you determine the most effective underpinning method. The type of soil can impact the damage to your home and how much it will require in terms of repairs.
Once a structural engineer has determined which type of underpinning is best suited for your situation, the underpinning process begins. The process starts with excavating soil beneath the foundation. The soil is removed in stages, so as not to undermine the structure of your building. Your foundation repair specialist will assess the type of soil, its depth, and its composition. Once this has been completed, the process will be repeated until your entire structural base has been reinforced.